Sunday, 1 January 2023

Regular updates?

I've been extremely irregular in updating this blog. Why?

Well a lot of the work I do can have serious ramifications for others. I work on sensitive data sets, servers, and with information that carries personal information. So I can't post screens shots, or even some code. But that doesn't mean that I'm not finding new things, answering questions, or even finding new things to print.

But this is supposed to be a Tech Blog. It's not very technical unless I a) blog something, and b) write something technical. So I'm going to have to bring it back to some semblance of normalcy. Which means I need to pull stuff together to post about. And at least try and increase the rate of posting. Can I make it daily? No, I don't think so. But it does at least need to be a little more regular.

So lets start with me working set of technology. It's no secret that I prefer Linux over other OSes. Now technically, MacOS is based around a Unix system. It's pretty good and reliable (well mostly) but the biggest reason why I don't go anywhere near it is that I hate the Apple ethos of gouging consumers with over priced products. They are literally ripping people off in the name of branding.

Besides which, the majority of tools that I use on a daily basis are based around Linux. I use Ubuntu as my core system at home. Even The Wife also uses Ubuntu. Why do I use it as opposed to any other flavour? Well mostly because it's in common usage, and if I come across any issues with it, then I don't have to waste time trying to figure out the problems as I can be reasonably sure that somebody else may have come across the same issue and may have blogged the answer. Fortunately any issues like that have been few and far between.

Any other OSes that I run are done via VirtualBox. I've used VB for years and it's pretty reliable. Yes there are plenty of other virtualisation services out there, but VB is what I stick by. I also have many multi-bootable flash drives that boot into many various tools and utilities. I even have a few secure drives that are multi-boot as well.

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